eBooks can be great resources when conducting research on certain topics.  Some eBooks will even allow you to 'Search Within' meaning that if you have a specific term or topic you're looking for, you can search within the book for the term, and find out exactly which page(s) the term appears on.  This saves you time and frustration when browsing through your search results.

To access our eBook collections, simply click on the e-Books link, located under the Search RSU Libraries with Explore search box on our main library webpage.  This will take you to a list of our eBook collections.  Some eBook collections are all encompassing, covering a variety of topics across most or all subject areas (such as Ebook Central, and EBSCO eBooks,) while other collections are more focused, specializing in specific fields of research (such as ACLS Humanities eBooks, Gale Virtual Reference Library, Salem Press Reference, and Statistical Abstract of the United States.)  Be sure to take a moment and read the collection descriptions, and choose what fits your current research needs!